Fd: What is In Search Of Grande all about? What is the message behind the adventure?
Adam: In Search of Grande is a film about two friends chasing their dream, catching a Grande Roosterfish (30lbs plus ) on a fly rod. The message behind the adventure is: go out and catch YOUR Grande. For Alex and Mark it was a fish, but for anyone else it could be anything. That trip you always wanted to take, getting into great shape, your dream job, any personal goal or feat you have always wanted to accomplish or obtain, but have just never gone after it. We want to inspire people to go out there and catch their Grande, no matter what it is.
Fd: Why roosterfish in the Sea of Cortez?
Adam: Roosterfish are very difficult fish to catch on the fly. Mark and Alex had been trying for years and we thought this could be a great story about overcoming the obstacles, IF we caught the fish we were looking for. And… we did. The Sea of Cortez is one of the best places in the world to do this from the beach, it just made sense.
Fd: How’s that experience: roosterfish on the fly from the beach?
Adam: The experience is intense. It’s peaceful, exhausting, frustrating, impossible, exciting, boring, and time consuming. The amount of time you spend combing the surface of the sea with your eyes for signs of life is a task in its own. You have to be completely dedicated to search for that one moment to present a tiny fly to an aggressive fish in an ever changing environment.
In Search of Grande from AdamFeuerman on Vimeo.
Fd: What about the thrill once you have a rooster on the line?
Adam: For us, the thrill was nerve wracking. We needed to get this fish to the beach, in front of our cameras and release him successfully to get what we needed to make this film. We did that and it’s a moment we will never forget for many reasons.
Fd: Now that you’re back after 17 days out there, what feeling and images remain in your head from those days?
Adam: I am editing our film, I get to relive those feelings and images every time I sit down to build our story. And every time I get to do so, no matter how much time has elapsed, I think to myself: what a great story we have here. It’s about much more than a fish to us, it’s about accomplishing what our minds’ eyes saw simply by not taking “no” for an answer and going for it. People need to do that more these days.
Fd: After mako sharks on a fly, roosterfish on the beach… Is there a next Grande for you?
Adam: This film is my Grande. It’s my long form story project and I am trying to complete it as fast as I can so we can share it with the world. We have received an overwhelming response to the trailer and the project, we are very excited to share it with everyone.
After that, Tarponville Costa Rica!
-You can help the team by supporting their campaign at: GRANDE!