Library Fishing Report Alagnak River, Alaska

Alagnak River, Alaska

From: 11/12/2024
To: 11/12/2024
Type of Water: Freshwater
Species: Coho salmon, Sockeye salmon, Chum salmon, Pink salmon, Chinook salmon, Rainbow trout, Lake trout, Dolly Varden, Grayling , Pike
Enjoy the 2024 Season Recap!

This July was very similar to July 2023 in terms of salmon fishing. We landed some super nice kings and an endless supply of sockeye salmon to fill our guests’ coolers. This strong salmon run also helped feed the trout population in our fabled Alagnak River system. The king salmon run was not any better than 2023 but it was also not any worse, so fingers crossed we are at the bottom of the curve in our king salmon cycle. We will continue to practice catch and release for all king salmon in 2025 in hopes we might be making a difference in our returns. Few people realize this, but the Alagnak River sockeye run feeds into some of the best fly-out streams in the state. These rivers include Moraine Creek, Kulik River, Little Ku, Battle River, and others; and th View more...


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