
Place: Berounka
From: 08/28/2017
To: 08/28/2017
Type of Water: Freshwater
Species: Walleye, Chub
WHY fishing in non–trout rivers?

The summer months in the Czechia are simply amazing, because the temperature is not too high, there are almost no mosquitoes and the fish take the fly very intensively. Spring and autumn are more suitable for catching trout and grayling, but besides these types of fish, which are traditional for fly fishing, there are also very interesting species such as chub, barbel, common nase and even some predators as walleye, perch and pike.


The tackle I have chosen this time was quite strong, because an average fish size I've expected had to be above 3 pounds. The 5# AFTM 9 feet rod with DP floating line, 6 ft tapered fluorocarbon leader and the 4X tippet. As the most suitable fly patterns I've chosen quite heavy imitations of cased caddi View more...


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Kevin Pora

Kevin Pora

Guide, Fly Tying instructor, Casting instructor - United States
