Library Fishing Report Patagonia Argentina

Patagonia Argentina

Desde: 20/04/2016
Hasta: 20/04/2016
Tipo de Agua: Agua dulce
Especies: Trucha arcoiris, Trucha marrón
The best end of the season: last april and May was the end of the Patagonia trout season and despite of the low water level in almost all the rivers the fishing was outstanding not only in number but also what some over 8 pounds brown landed! we fished mostly streamers at this part of the season but this year we where matching the hatch on small dries even in May, with really fat and fighting rainbows and some beautiful browns taking smoothly on the surface. Hopefully next season start in November be as good as the last part of the last one giving us memorable days on the water with the friends who come year after year. Tight lines from one of the trout heaven in earth. Gonzalo


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