
Place: Shinano
From: 03/09/2019
To: 03/09/2019
Type of Water: Freshwater
Species: Rainbow trout, Brown trout
At Local river,Main stream.
Water level.Low water.
Weather.Fine and Windy.
Very walm,
Un usual weather for early March.Almost 20degree day time.
Hatch.Saw one of Japanease biggest Caddis fly,Super hatch.End of the day.
Noray this big Caddis hatch late April or May.
Saw big trout when i retern to my car,I was walking river to up stream with flash light and She was staying near land,Very shalow spot.She escape slowly.

Ken Sawada 1712D.
17ft #12weight.
#12weight Intermediate shooting head.Over head casting.
Leader.Salmon leader 15ft.
Custom spey rod.789-1406.
14ft6in #7-8-9.
With #6/7 Intermediate line.
Leader.OHD 14ft 0x.

Bann special salmon double #4.
Brass tubes 38mm long.
Guide line double hook.
Aqua maline,Pink blue,Tied low water sty View more...


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