Library Fishing Report Silver Creek

Silver Creek

From: 01/10/2018
To: 01/10/2018
Type of Water: Freshwater
Species: Brown trout, Brook trout, Cutthroat, Bull trout, Grayling , Whitefish, Fine Spotted Cutthroat
"A warm January, a cold May." ~Welsh Proverb

To date, January has been warm, and what May will yield has yet to be seen. While proverbs portend general truths based on common experience, the weather has been everything but common of late. Another proverbial truth: the only certainty in forecasts is that they are uncertain. With the Big Wood drainage sitting at 67% of average, rest assured that there is a lot of winter yet to come before we can prognosticate about water flows in May. And at the moment, the fishing is fantastic. With the holiday season behind us, solitude on the river is easy to find.

Big Wood

One positive outcome of the recent flood is that it has provided excellent habitat for midge larvae and other insects on all the newly downed trees deposited throughout the r View more...


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