Library Step by Step Ephemere May Fly - Dry Fly

Ephemere May Fly - Dry Fly

"Absolute no refuse" That's an advanced tying for educated hard fishs ! Materials : - Hook >>> VMC 9288BZ size 18 - Thread >>> 8/0 - Body & tail >>> golden pheasant's hackle - Thorax >>> yellow CDC's dubbing - Legs >>> coq hackle - Wings >>> CDC's fibers

That's an advanced tying for educated hard fishs !

Touch the image to zoom in the fly.
ephemere / may flie
List of materials

Step 1

take golden pheasant's hackle & separate the tip from the rest of the feather

Fly tying - ephemere / may flie - Step 1

Step 2

cut the tip of the hackle

Fly tying - ephemere / may flie - Step 2

Step 3

put the fibers in order

Fly tying - ephemere / may flie - Step 3

Step 4

keep the last fiber of the hackle and cut the rest in parallel of the middle of feather ( about 0,5 mm large )

Fly tying - ephemere / may flie - Step 4

Step 5

make the same operation on the other side

Fly tying - ephemere / may flie - Step 5

Step 6

cut on the base : you got an extra light body

Fly tying - ephemere / may flie - Step 6

Step 7

fix the body on the middle of the hook

Fly tying - ephemere / may flie - Step 7

Step 8

fix the coq Hackle on the middle of the hook (take of the half of the hackle's fibers before fixing for better result )

Fly tying - ephemere / may flie - Step 8

Step 9

turn the hackle and fix it ( about 3 turns )

Fly tying - ephemere / may flie - Step 9

Step 10

separate the legs from each side of the flie with the thread

Fly tying - ephemere / may flie - Step 10

Step 11

think to keep the legs a bit on the back of the flie , like that your flie will have the best position in the watter !

Fly tying - ephemere / may flie - Step 11

Step 12

Fix the fibers of CDC on the middle of the legs

Fly tying - ephemere / may flie - Step 12

Step 13

give the good position to the wings by turning the thread around the base of the CDC's fibers

Fly tying - ephemere / may flie - Step 13

Step 14

prepare a simple dubbing of CDC's fibers

Fly tying - ephemere / may flie - Step 14

Step 15

make the thorax (be careful to keep the legs in a goog position, equal on each side and a bit on the back of the flie)

Fly tying - ephemere / may flie - Step 15

Step 16

cut the wings to make it on the good shape

Fly tying - ephemere / may flie - Step 16

Step 17

make the head & the final node, cut the thread

Fly tying - ephemere / may flie - Step 17

Step 18

you got an extra light dry may flie !

Fly tying - ephemere / may flie - Step 18

Step 19

the imitation stay really high on the water as the fly that will take off ! You'll have strong attack from brown ! enjoy !! ;-)

Fly tying - ephemere / may flie - Step 19


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