Library Step by Step Gilled Chiloporter

Gilled Chiloporter

Tying artificial nymph gills is usually a problem. This is why I bring you this simple way to do it, a technique I saw some time ago and applied to many of my nymphs. It’s ideal for small nymphs, to achieve clear and natural looking gills.The Chiloporter genre, those big yellow mayflies seen in th View more...
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Gilled Chiloporter
List of materials
Tying MaterialsHook: Curved like the Daiichi 1270, sizes 4 to 10.Thread: 8/0, cream or white color.Weight: Lead wire, 0.20 or 0.25 mm.Dubbing: Antron or old-yellow and mid brown rabbit.Tails: Brown turkey biots.Ribbing: dark 5X monofilament.Gills: White Antron.Back: Thin skin.Abdomen: yellow silk floss.Legs: hungarian partridge fibers.Wing case: hungarian partridge.

Step 1

View of the finished fly.

Fly tying - Gilled Chiloporter - Step 1

Step 2

Place a lead wire strap at each side and slightly lower than the hook shank, shaping it so it swims correcltly. Then make a small dubbing ball that will separate the tails. Cement the lead with cianoacrilate so it doesn’t move.

Fly tying - Gilled Chiloporter - Step 2

Step 3

Tie the biots. Then the monofilament, a fine strand of antron at one side, and on top some dotted thin skin. Give the skin a conic shape where we will tie it. Its general width must match exactly with the underbody done with the tying thread.

Fly tying - Gilled Chiloporter - Step 3

Step 4

Cover the abdomen with silk floss. It’s better to use one strand and go from the front to the back and then return, and tighten the floss.

Fly tying - Gilled Chiloporter - Step 4

Step 5

Now it gets interesting. With a small plastic tube we’ll make a tool for the gills. Cut the tube so it fits and stays tight in the hook bend, so it doesn’t turn.

Fly tying - Gilled Chiloporter - Step 5

Step 6

Place the gills carefully, leaving some small place in between them. Tie and trim. Glue the gill turns to the floss at the back with 5 minute epoxy or UV glue. A very thin layer. Let it dry for 10 minutes.

Fly tying - Gilled Chiloporter - Step 6

Step 7

Cut with a sharp razor. Untie the thread and remove the plastic tube.

Fly tying - Gilled Chiloporter - Step 7

Step 8

The gills separate from the body but remain glued. One side has been already trimmed in this picture.

Fly tying - Gilled Chiloporter - Step 8

Step 9

Lower the thin skin, tie at the front and place the abdomen with the monofilament. Do not press the gills, separate them with a needle.

Fly tying - Gilled Chiloporter - Step 9

Step 10

Cover half the thorax with dubbing and tie the first two legs. Finish the thorax with more dubbing and two more legs. I use a pair or two of legs for small nymphs. After all, trout can’t count…

Fly tying - Gilled Chiloporter - Step 10

Step 11

With a special burner shape the wing case with a hungarian partridge feather. Before tying it, cement it so it lasts longer. On the thorax place a small amount of glue, set the wingcase there and tie it on the head. Apply pressure on it. Paint the tip (only the tip, softly) of the gills with brown permanent marker.

Fly tying - Gilled Chiloporter - Step 11

Step 12

Finished fly.

Fly tying - Gilled Chiloporter - Step 12


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