Step 1
Start your silk, being careful to keep the first quarter of the shank clear for later spinning of the deer hair
Step 2
Add the Krystal flash tail
Step 3
Wrap the Krystal flash to the end of the silk and tie off. Prepare the mylar tube, slide it on, and tie it down as indicated
Step 4
roll the mylar tube on. re-start your silk at the tail end, and tie off a small band with superglue support
Step 5
Start back at the front end, and add marabou, with the tips roughly level with the end of the tail
Step 6
Add about 5 peacock herls on top
Step 7
Start spinning the deer hair in front: you should have space for 3 bunches on a #8 fly
Step 8
Tie off, and trim the head neatly in a cone shape
Step 9
Tie several to have a well stocked box.