After a two hour ride from Naples to North Palm, the blue pool and cold Corona sounded very inviting. The boys took the ride to their advantage and slept most of the way. It is amazing they fly out of bed to go fishing, but takes us almost pulling them out of bed to go to school. I guess it is the same way for me with work and fishing. I will get up at 1:00 in the morning to drive three hours to fish but I find it painful to get up at 6am to go to work. On the way, I talked to Dino of: , to confirm our trip in the morning and to see what we would be fishing for. If you remember, I fished with him last year and we went 5 miles off shore for allies, but this year we were going for snook under the lights, which was exciting because we had never fished for them other than in Naples. It would be a whole new experience, which is what this trip was about.
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