I thought I would share the story of Keith Powell's Idaho State record Steelhead. Although this fish was not caught on a "fly", I know Keith (who passed away a few years ago) would have been honored to share the story of his fish.
I did some repair on the mount and added the plaque for Keith's son Alan who is a close friend of mine. The Steelhead was caught on November 11, 1973 between Lewiston, Idaho and Orofino, Idaho on the Clearwater river in North Idaho. Weighing 30 LBs 2 OZ the fish is 44 inches long. I can only imagine the fight a fish that size would have given Keith that morning. This Steelhead is still the Idaho State record and has been for over 42 years! The mount hangs in Alan and Judi Powell's home in Lewiston, Idaho.
Alan is on the left in the photo, I am on the right.