North of the Arctic Circle the fishing season is compressed into a tight four-month window. On the Northern Kola the fishing starts in early June and closes in September. Over that period, on a normal year, you can expect the rivers to change from a cascade of water following the snow-melt to lows during the mid-summer and then an autumnal shift to cooler/cold conditions as the daylight hours surrender to the dark winter months with a likely water rise along the way.
With such varying conditions over a relatively short period there should always be a 'reasonable degree' of uncertainty as to what you might find on any given week of any particular season. After a couple of particularly warm early springs on the Kola Peninsula which saw the snow-melt happen much faster than normal, leading to much lower water conditions, for the 2014 season things were quite different. Alongside a strong run of salmon which continued through June and July good water levels were sustained. The result was that the salmon were willing and eager to take and with a good proportion of ‘biggies’ July 2014 was definitely a season to remember on the Atlantic Salmon Reserve. Average catches were up 50% from 2013 and with 43 fish of 25lbs or over of which 15 were in excess of 30lbs there were plenty of smiley faces and dinner table stories!
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