Paso 1
On the curve of a hook grub, I fix a filoplume.
Paso 2
Above the feather, I fix a bunch of Antron
Paso 3
Above the feather, I fix a bunch of Antron
Paso 4
Keeping a little tension the filoplume and Antron, I wrap around them the tying thread with loops wide.
Paso 5
When I reach the length that I should decided have the body, turning back, crossing the coils of tying thread with those wrapped above.
Paso 6
Come on hook, I fix a CDC hackle.
Paso 7
Make a dubbing with synthetic material or hair.
Paso 8
Tie the chest of the nymph.
Paso 9
Reverse the CDC hackle on the chest and fix it on hook.
Paso 10
I choose a partridge hackle and cut the fibers of the base.
Paso 11
After moving down the fibers of gray partridge, I fix them under the chest to get the legs of the nymph.
Paso 12
Keeping tension the tip of the CDC hackle, shift the fibers along the stem, fix them beside hook eye and cut the excess.
Paso 13
Tie the head of the fly.
Paso 14
Remove the fly off the vise and cut the surplus of filoplume.
Paso 15
Finished fly.
Paso 16
Another fly.