Biblioteca Paso a Paso Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle

Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle

This is one of my favorite flies for fishing trout and grayling on the rivers of northern Italy and Austria. I started to tie this beetle in 2000 and over the years I kept improving it, changing its materials and shape. The first model was made of foam and broom hair covered by epoxy, the belly was Ver más...
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Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle
Listado de materiales
Finished fly image

Paso 1

Fix the hook to the vice, use a Tiemco 2302 or similar, # 12

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 1

Paso 2

This brass plier was hand made by myself but you build one and shape it to your preference.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 2

Paso 3

Place a piece of 3 mm foam inside the brass plier.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 3

Paso 4

Cut the excess foam with a scissor.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 4

Paso 5

Burn the foam around the plier.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 5

Paso 6

A view of the shaped foam.

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Paso 7

Tie the foam.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 7

Paso 8

Take a piece of black plastic tube.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 8

Paso 9

Tie it on the hook shank.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 9

Paso 10

Tie the other two pieces.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 10

Paso 11

Put a little drop of Bug Bond on each leg and foam.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 11

Paso 12

Fix it using a UV lamp.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 12

Paso 13

Create a loop and put the hot orange seal fur inside them. This is my favourite color body for beetles.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 13

Paso 14

Twist the loop.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 14

Paso 15

Turn the dubbing around the hook shank, create a bump around the legs, stop dubbing before the last pair of legs.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 15

Paso 16

Fold back the black foam and fix it with a few turns.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 16

Paso 17

Term the body, cut off the excess.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 17

Paso 18

Take a piece of very thin plastic broom hair, I use brush hair from the sides of mosquito nets.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 18

Paso 19

Tie the antennae.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 19

Paso 20

Fold again the black foam and tie it strongly.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 20

Paso 21

Tie the final knot to the fly.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 21

Paso 22

Cut the foam excess.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 22

Paso 23

Trim the orange seal fur excess.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 23

Paso 24

Final body.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 24

Paso 25

Press the legs with a round plier.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 25

Paso 26

Fold back the legs and give a little touch with a cauterizer, the legs will remain in the right position. Do the same for all legs.

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Paso 27

Cut the the legs and antennae.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 27

Paso 28

Final legs.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 28

Paso 29

Burn the needle and put it on the middle of the body, just a little touch to give it the right shape.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 29

Paso 30

Right shape.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 30

Paso 31

Put on a piece of plastic or glass a little drop of Bug Bond and mix with a very little drop of black paint, I use black Cellire. With a needle make the black drops on the antennae.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 31

Paso 32

Fix with UV lamp. The Fishing Beetle is ready to fish on, if you like to change colors you can paint it with acrylic iridescent colors and cover it with Bug Bond, or epoxy 5 min.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 32

Paso 33

It is possibile to add wings in order to have a better effect when fishing. Take a piece of pearlescent sheet, in this case green.

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Paso 34

Put it inside a brass plier.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 34

Paso 35

Trim the excess, then burn around it.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 35

Paso 36

The wings are ready.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 36

Paso 37

Using a black permanent marker paint the back side of the wings.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 37

Paso 38

Tie again the tying thread between the two parts of the beetle.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 38

Paso 39

Fold the wing as in the picture.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 39

Paso 40

Put the wings in the right position.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 40

Paso 41

Give a few turn of tying thread and then remouve the plier.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 41

Paso 42

Trim the excess.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 42

Paso 43

Finish the fly with two knots.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 43

Paso 44

The wings in the right position.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 44

Paso 45

Put a few drops of Bug Bond on the back side of the wing.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 45

Paso 46

Fold back the wings and fix with the UV lamp.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 46

Paso 47

The Winged Fishing beetle.

Paso a paso - Gaja’s Winged Fishing Beetle - Paso 47


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