Biblioteca Paso a Paso M.M. Rainbow Muddler

M.M. Rainbow Muddler

There was a time when Marabou Muddlers were the flies to catch big trout. I still remember some strikes at the bend of the Chimehuin River’s La Boca (river inlet) in Patagonia with some black Marabou Muddlers almost at night, strikes that make you catch big browns.

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M.M. Rainbow Muddler
Listado de materiales
MaterialsHook: Daiichi 2220, size 2.Thread: 6/0, fluorescent orange for the body, Unicord or Kevlar for the muddler head.Weighing: lead wire or similar, .20 or .25 inches.Body: silver Mylar tube.Underwing: calf or deer hair, White.Wing: White, pink and olive Marabou.Back: peacock fibers, from the eye section.Muddler head: deer body hair, olive and pink.

Paso 1

Wrap the lead wire leaving some space at the front and at the back. Then cover it with some lacquer or cianoacrilate to seal it and fix it.

Paso a paso - M.M. Rainbow Muddler - Paso 1

Paso 2

The picture shows the right length of mylar tube needed to make the body.

Paso a paso - M.M. Rainbow Muddler - Paso 2

Paso 3

Tie the tube at both tips leaving some space for the wing and head.

Paso a paso - M.M. Rainbow Muddler - Paso 3

Paso 4

Even out a bundle of calf or deer hair.

Paso a paso - M.M. Rainbow Muddler - Paso 4

Paso 5

Tie the bundle making sure it doesn’t spin. The tips should get up to the orange tag at the back, no further. Trim at the front, cover with thread, use some cianoacrilate for the hairs before. This way the bundle doesn’t loosen when used.

Paso a paso - M.M. Rainbow Muddler - Paso 5

Paso 6

Tie a bundle of White marabou fibers without the central raquis, then on top of it tie the pink one and olive one. There’s no need to make thick bundles, the fly fishes better if it’s lighter.

Paso a paso - M.M. Rainbow Muddler - Paso 6

Paso 7

On the back, tie between 4 to 6 peacock eye (or herl) fibers and then make a red hackle with dubbing to imitate the gills. Change the orange thread for Unicord or Kevlar for the next step.

Paso a paso - M.M. Rainbow Muddler - Paso 7

Paso 8

Even out a bundle of deer for the olive heads. Tie it on the top section of the head. Use just one bundle, we don’t want a very thick head.

Paso a paso - M.M. Rainbow Muddler - Paso 8

Paso 9

Now tie the pink deer bundle in the lower side of the head. The pink collar must be a bit longer than the olive one, to shape the belly of the fly. Finish with a knot right before the hook eye and cement with cianoacrilate only on the thread. If we have trimmed the deer bundles before tying them, then we won’t have to trim them much more when tied.

Paso a paso - M.M. Rainbow Muddler - Paso 9

Paso 10

Shape the head to make it a bit more flat and the M.M. Rainbow Muddler is ready for the river.

Paso a paso - M.M. Rainbow Muddler - Paso 10


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