Biblioteca Paso a Paso Upset hackle.

Upset hackle.

I created this fly pattern in the nineties and made known in an article that was published in the Italian Fly Fishing Magazine “Fly Line” the month of January 1998. Then, I inserted it in my first book about CDC “Magie in CDC”, published in 2004. This artificial, tied on small hooks is very good for trout and grayling.
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Upset hackle.
Listado de materiales
Hook: Grub size 14/16/18 Thread: Black 8/0 Body: A CDC hackle Chest: Dubbing Mix hair seal -& CDC fibers Wings cases: A foam strip Wings; A CDC hackle

Paso 1

On the bend of a hook grub, I tie a wet CDC hackle.

Paso a paso - Upset hackle. - Paso 1

Paso 2

I wrap the hackle around the hook to get the abdomen of the fly.

Paso a paso - Upset hackle. - Paso 2

Paso 3

Cut the excess of hackle.

Paso a paso - Upset hackle. - Paso 3

Paso 4

Near the abdomen I tie a foam strip and a CDC hackle

Paso a paso - Upset hackle. - Paso 4

Paso 5

I wrap the hackle around the base of the foam strip, tie it on the hook and cut the excess.

Paso a paso - Upset hackle. - Paso 5

Paso 6

I do a dubbing

Paso a paso - Upset hackle. - Paso 6

Paso 7

I create the thorax of the fly with dubbing.

Paso a paso - Upset hackle. - Paso 7

Paso 8

I reverse the foam strip on the chest and tie it next the hook eye

Paso a paso - Upset hackle. - Paso 8

Paso 9

Cut the excess of strip.

Paso a paso - Upset hackle. - Paso 9

Paso 10

I tie the head of the fly

Paso a paso - Upset hackle. - Paso 10

Paso 11

I take off fly from vise and establish the length of the wings with a cut.

Paso a paso - Upset hackle. - Paso 11

Paso 12

Upset hackle

Paso a paso - Upset hackle. - Paso 12

Paso 13

Another fly.

Paso a paso - Upset hackle. - Paso 13


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