Biblioteca Paso a Paso Weedless Optic Minnow feat. Brad Bohen

Weedless Optic Minnow feat. Brad Bohen

Once I stumbled over this flypattern, I immediately fell in love. Not only is it fun to tie and looks amazing in the water, the fish really love to hit it. But I hate to loose a fly, which took some time to tie, to a stupid branch or other kind of weed. Looking at some spinning Lures with a worm hoo Ver más...
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Weedless Optic Minnow feat. Brad Bohen
Listado de materiales
Hook: Wormhook, size 5/0Thread: Danvills Monofilament FineBody: Bucktail Black and Red, Grizzly HackleFlash: Flashabou Pearl + Copper, Hedron's Mirage Fringe Slit         FlashabouHead: Mylar piping, Bug BondEyes: CCG Steel 10mmGills: Red Marabou and Glass Rattle

Paso 1

Flatten the end of some 100LB Fluorocarbon with pliers.

Paso a paso - Weedless Optic Minnow feat. Brad Bohen - Paso 1

Paso 2

Attach to hook with the flattened side.

Paso a paso - Weedless Optic Minnow feat. Brad Bohen - Paso 2

Paso 3

Secure with some CCG Hydro.

Paso a paso - Weedless Optic Minnow feat. Brad Bohen - Paso 3

Paso 4

Measure a piece of tubing and mark it, so that you know where to stop tying.

Paso a paso - Weedless Optic Minnow feat. Brad Bohen - Paso 4

Paso 5

Put the tube onto a Tubeflyholder. Doesen't have to be as fancy as this one ;-)

Paso a paso - Weedless Optic Minnow feat. Brad Bohen - Paso 5

Paso 6

Spin some Bucktail around the shank. DON'T use to much! As we are doing this a couple of times the fly is going to get too dense otherwise.

Paso a paso - Weedless Optic Minnow feat. Brad Bohen - Paso 6

Paso 7

Add some Copper Flash a bit longer than the Bucktail, fold over. Use your Thumbnail to roll it around the upper side. Top it with some strands of Mirage Fringe.

Paso a paso - Weedless Optic Minnow feat. Brad Bohen - Paso 7

Paso 8

From now on I'm using some UV-Glue after every step.

Paso a paso - Weedless Optic Minnow feat. Brad Bohen - Paso 8

Paso 9

Tie in some Bucktail reverse style and secure.Make sure its evenly distributed around the shank.

Paso a paso - Weedless Optic Minnow feat. Brad Bohen - Paso 9

Paso 10

Fold back and do a couple of wraps in front of it. Don't wrap over the Bucktail itself.

Paso a paso - Weedless Optic Minnow feat. Brad Bohen - Paso 10

Paso 11

Add more Flash. This time pearl.

Paso a paso - Weedless Optic Minnow feat. Brad Bohen - Paso 11

Paso 12

Roll it around the upper side, the same as with the copper.

Paso a paso - Weedless Optic Minnow feat. Brad Bohen - Paso 12

Paso 13

Add two grizzly hackles. One on each side, as long as the Bucktail.

Paso a paso - Weedless Optic Minnow feat. Brad Bohen - Paso 13

Paso 14

Again reverse tie some buck tail and fold back. Here you can see as well how nicely the ends of the fibers cover the previous tying spot. Together with the glue, toothy fish have a hard time ripping this fly apart.

Paso a paso - Weedless Optic Minnow feat. Brad Bohen - Paso 14

Paso 15

Tie some Mirage Slit Fringe like a hackle. make two to three turns. I can really recommend this material. It mimics the colors of its surroundings and reflects nearly 100% of the incoming light. If you want a flashy fly, there's nothing better out there as far as I know. At this point I also added two another long hackles like previous, but I missed to take a picture.

Paso a paso - Weedless Optic Minnow feat. Brad Bohen - Paso 15

Paso 16

Reverse tie some more bucktail

Paso a paso - Weedless Optic Minnow feat. Brad Bohen - Paso 16

Paso 17

and fold back.

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Paso 18

Tie in a piece of Mylar Tubing

Paso a paso - Weedless Optic Minnow feat. Brad Bohen - Paso 18

Paso 19

and fold back over itself aswell.

Paso a paso - Weedless Optic Minnow feat. Brad Bohen - Paso 19

Paso 20

Take some eyes of your choice.

Paso a paso - Weedless Optic Minnow feat. Brad Bohen - Paso 20

Paso 21

Secure with some superglue gel.

Paso a paso - Weedless Optic Minnow feat. Brad Bohen - Paso 21

Paso 22

Make a nice head. For this I'm often using Bug Bond as it doesn't stay sticky.

Paso a paso - Weedless Optic Minnow feat. Brad Bohen - Paso 22

Paso 23

Put the hook back into the vise and add a glass rattle. Reinforce with some CCG Hydro.

Paso a paso - Weedless Optic Minnow feat. Brad Bohen - Paso 23

Paso 24

Add some UV red Marabou as gills/blood.

Paso a paso - Weedless Optic Minnow feat. Brad Bohen - Paso 24

Paso 25

Before adding superglue make sure the tube has the right size and can swing freely without touching the point of the hook.

Paso a paso - Weedless Optic Minnow feat. Brad Bohen - Paso 25

Paso 26

After adding super glue, slide the tube onto the Fluorocarbon. Make sure that it sits correct and hold until the glue sets.

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Paso 27

To get a better hookup ratio cut the fibers above the point of the hook.

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Paso 28

Now the Hookpoint can swing out and back in.

Paso a paso - Weedless Optic Minnow feat. Brad Bohen - Paso 28

Paso 29

The finished fly.If you rinse it with hot water, you are directly seeing a nice fish shape which is going to stay like this. Otherwise just go fishing, the fly is going to look like this afterwards anyhow.Hope you like this fly as much as I do.Tight lines!

Paso a paso - Weedless Optic Minnow feat. Brad Bohen - Paso 29


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