Biblioteca Reporte de Pesca Bararati river Part 1

Bararati river Part 1

From: 09/13/2015
To: 09/18/2015
Type of Water: Freshwater
Species: Peacock Bass, Pacu, Wolf Fish, Catfish, Surubi, Piranha, Bicuda, Payara, Redtail Catfish, Arawana, Matrinxá
We , Mr Farid Curi,. Kelven Lopes, Thiago Carrano had the privilegie of making a fishing trip of a lifetime.
We made a 17 hours more ride to rio Bararati head Waters bound. The scenary is amazing and wild.
Our porpouse was catch giant amazon Catfish on fly rods, as the Caparari, Shovel-nose Tiger Catfish (Pseudoplatystoma tigrinum) , Cachara Barred Sorubin ( Pseudoplatystoma flasciatum) and Pirara Redtail Catfish (Phractocephalus hemioliopterus).
We could hook up them all, but for the Redtails, our tackle # 10 wasn’t enough and all have broken the tipets after a short fight.
In the other hand we could land a couple of Cacharas and trophy sizes Capararis on the 50 lb class.
We could also land 14 other species as Peacocks, Payaras, Bicudas Matrinxãs and etc.
We’ve been prospe View more...


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