Desde: 03/01/2015
Hasta: 03/01/2015
Tipo de Agua: Agua dulce
Especies: Trucha arcoiris, Trucha marrón
We floated the Chimehuín River from its junction with the Quilquihue River until it pour its waters into the Collon Cura River.
We reach the Chimehuín floating down through the Quilquihue with a dreamed day. No wind, full sun and with a temperature that touched 28 celsius degrees.
Chimehuin's water level was within the normal range for the date. Mayflies and Caddis hatches joined us in the early hours of the morning, and although we did not see too many trout feeding on the surface, we got several strikes with small parachutes and cdc caddis. However, most of the time, medium attractors were the most effective flies.
Until next drift!