Biblioteca Reporte de Pesca Collon Cura, Aluminé y Malleo

Collon Cura, Aluminé y Malleo

Desde: 28/02/2015
Hasta: 03/03/2015
Tipo de Agua: Agua dulce
Especies: Trucha arcoiris, Trucha marrón
We've been guiding for four days around San Martín de los Andes and Junín de los Andes area. We float the Collón Cura River, the Aluminé River and we wade the Upper and Lower Malleo River.
Before the arrival of the clients, we were a bit worried about the program because we'd been without rains for 2 months and due to this condition, all the rivers were having an extremely low water level. So we decided to head the program through some sections which feature more riffles and fast waters, spending on those oxygenated waters most of the time while slow waters were discarded.
Finally, the program was really successful with plenty of fish caught and lots of fun! Mainly we fished medium size attractors, parachutes and nymphs; emphasizing on those patterns that provides an extremely good Ver más...


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