Biblioteca Reporte de Pesca Lake Erie Tributaries

Lake Erie Tributaries

Desde: 19/03/2018
Hasta: 20/03/2018
Tipo de Agua: Agua dulce
Especies: Steelhead
I had the privilege of guiding Rob Giannino from Fly Fishing Journeys and his son Tyler for Tylers first ever trip to Steelhead Alley. Tyler was relatively new to the sport of fly fishing so I was very excited to teach him some basic fly fishing skills and hopefully get him his first Lake Erie Steelhead.

Day one found us on the stream just after daybreak. The air was cold with a little ice on the edges of the stream with near perfect flows and color. We started in a very productive run that I pre fished the day before and that I knew contained fish. I started Tyler with a size 12 white Muddy Buddy and gave him some stream side instruction on how to use it. It wasn't long before Tyler was off and running. I like to carry an extra rod with a different looking fly to minimize down time o Ver más...


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