Biblioteca Reporte de Pesca Miami - Everdlades National Park

Miami - Everdlades National Park

Desde: 01/08/2019
Hasta: 01/08/2019
Tipo de Agua: Agua salada
Especies: Tarpón, Bonefish, Permit, Jacks, Snook - Róbalo, Redfish
Hot summer days means hot fishing. Despite having had a very windy spring and a horrible invasion of sargassum fishing is super hot. We have been hooking and landing all the fish we targeted in both Miami and Everglades NP. Miami: the bonefish bite is as hot as ever with multiple fish days, a few permit for the lucky ones and baby tarpon. Big jacks have been a treat almost every morning as were some very large Tarpon. Everglades: great to see the park recovering after a few slow years. We had great snook, redfish, seatrout and baby tarpon days with some Triple tail in between. we are looking forward for the upcoming mullet run.


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Martin Carranza

Martin CarranzaPerfil plata

Guía, Instructor de lanzamiento - Estados Unidos
