Río Grande

Destino: Río Grande
Desde: 10/01/2015
Hasta: 16/01/2015
Tipo de Agua: Agua dulce
Especies: Sea-Trout (Trucha Marrón Anádroma)
We landed 60 fish for the week. 8 fish over 15 pounds. The biggest was an 18,5 pounder female.

Fishing is improving a little every day. The river is getting full of fresh fish. We see them running up river all the time.

The river is in excellent conditions. Low and very clear water, and dropping down every day. We had wind some days (up to 35 mph).

Air temperature was between 45°F and 64°F.

Water temperature between 47°F and 57°F
Rods, lines and tips: 6 to 9 weight spey rods. Skagit lines with medium, heavy and extra heavy mow tips. Also 15´of T-14. Floating and intermediate tips for some pools.

Flies: Nymphs like EMB, Aurelia prince, red tail, tdf prince, prince. Black and olive woolly buggers. Tube flies like sunray shadow, monkey. Big leeches and intruders.

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