Río Grande

Destino: Río Grande
Desde: 31/01/2015
Hasta: 07/02/2015
Tipo de Agua: Agua dulce
Especies: Sea-Trout (Trucha Marrón Anádroma)

Week number 6 has come to an end, and as in the last few years, the group of David S. his daughter Karen R., Richard M., Chris B., Mike H., and John R. enjoyed the first week of February at La Villa de Maria Behety.

Despite the remarkable low water level, the fishing was very good. Some sessions were hard work whereas others were incredible. For the first time this 2015 season, we had a guest who landed a fish on every session. Mr. David S. successfully joined the NBSC (No Blank Session Club).

It's a lot of pressure to be the guide of someone with no blanks in the last two days of fishing. You know the other guides have been successful, so your reputation is at stake. Fortunately David has eased the pressure on Thursday morning and evening with a fish landed within minutes. On Fr Ver más...


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Salmón Chinook, Sea-Trout (Trucha Marrón Anádroma), Trucha marrón