Rio Popayán

Destino: Rio Popayán
Desde: 20/04/2024
Hasta: 20/04/2024
Tipo de Agua: Agua dulce
Especies: Dorado, Tararira, Bagres, Boga
My time at Popayan Lodge with Pachamama Fly Fishing was nothing short of world class. Luciano and his team went above and beyond to ensure a quality experience from the moment I landed in Salta.
After three years of communication and pandemic induced trip cancellations, I was overjoyed to arrive in Northwest Argentina for a few days of golden dorado fishing. The lodge is a quaint, remote country estate accessible by a dirt road that involved several creek crossings, wooden gates, and livestock traffic. The total travel time from the airport to the lodge was about three hours.
My first night I was greeted by the staff and served an excellent, traditional Argentine parrilla meal. With local wines and quality steaks, I was already content with my trip before the fishing began.
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