Rios andinos

Destino: Rios andinos
Desde: 20/01/2017
Hasta: 20/01/2017
Tipo de Agua: Agua dulce
Especies: Trucha arcoiris, Trucha marrón, Trucha de arroyo o fontinalis, Trucha de lago
Fly Fishing in Mendoza.
Central Andes, Argentina
fresh waters…perfect trouts…better wines 

The Argentine Republic is located in South America. Is a country full of landscapes and rich resources. In the western part, the mountain chain of the Andes rises like spine by all the country. At the foot of the Aconcagua, one of the highest mountains in the world, the thaws form rivers and streams that give rise to the most select vineyards of the valleys.
Andean ranches, full of cows, horses and the typical images of gauchos. Its sublime to taste the typical Argentine asado, surrounded by mountains, streams and vineyards, closing an unequaled fishing day.  
Trouts that live in streams, rivers and mountain lakes, the waters that irrigate the vineyards. These trouts are not large in Ver más...


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