River Sai

Destino: River Sai
Desde: 13/04/2019
Hasta: 13/04/2019
Tipo de Agua: Agua dulce
Especies: Trucha marrón
Went to River Sai to test my new Spey rod and new flies i tie for this season.
Contact to my local friend,He told me there are good rise and he told me it will start around 6:20 p.m.
I start casting as it was 1st time to test my latest 18ft Spey rod.
I had to find out which fly line is best.The line weight is #10 to #12.I finally decided to cast with #11 weight long belly floating line.
There are many hatch even day time,But no fish rising as normal because of fishing pressure i think and i was sure that fish eating those emerger in the water quietly.
My first fish was tiny wild Brown trout.He took my wet clane fly day time.
I add one more wild Brown trout after the late lunch.
Evening time,Around 6:30 p.m. it was so exited time of the day as there are so many trout rising.
We had Ver más...


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Moreno Borriero

Moreno Borriero

Guía, Instructor de atado, Instructor de lanzamiento - Italia
