Silver Creek

Destino: Silver Creek
Desde: 02/11/2017
Hasta: 15/11/2017
Tipo de Agua: Agua dulce
Especies: Steelhead, Trucha arcoiris, Trucha marrón, Cutthroat , Whitefish
Autumnal light can play tricks with an angler’s vision. When the sun is out, it is bright and low on the horizon, making it difficult to see a fly on the water. When the sun is obscured by clouds, colors fade to grey making a fly difficult to see on the water. Whether dealing with glooming light or gleaming darkness there are a few tricks anglers need to employ to keep their vision in tune: a good pair of polarized glasses, a high vis post on the fly, and a plan for how position themselves in the river relative to the intense glare.

Silver Creek

The Creek will continue to fish well in the late afternoon, especially on milder days. Expect decent numbers of Baetis in a short, concentrated burst which should get most of the fish looking up. To match this hatch, have a good selectio Ver más...


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