September started out cool, as far as I can remember. I know I fished on the 6th on a club stillwater, and it was one of those pretty afternoons in which sharp warm sunlight cuts across shaded folds in the hills in the late afternoon in the face of a pleasantly cool breeze. PD and I were sitting on the dam wall, sipping a cold beer or two, taking in the view, and generally letting the stresses of work wash away. We were rudely awakened from our ‘half-slumber’ by a fish that rolled over PD’s DDD. There was a lot of scrambling, some spilt beer and a strike delivered so late that it was laughable.
We hadn’t done the river, since there hadn’t been any good rain since the seasons opening on 1st September, and I prefer to leave the rivers until they have been flushed out a bit. Ho Ver más...