Lawrence Finney

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Irlanda Irlanda

Instructor de atado

Lawrence is considered one of Irelands top fly dressers, with over 40 years as a fly dresser, he is an advanced fly dresser teaching around the UK and europe.
He also carries out workshops and demonstrations and 2008 saw his famous workshop in Yellowstone Montana where he showed the tying of his famous woven wire nymphs.
Lawrence is available for workshops and demonstrations for clubs and organisations.


Salmón Coho, Salmón Pink , Salmón Chinook, Steelhead, Trucha arcoiris, Trucha marrón, Trucha de arroyo o fontinalis, Trucha de lago, Cutthroat , Bull trout, Dolly Varden, Arctic Char - Salvelino Alpino, Salmón del Atlántico , Salmón encerrado, Taimen - HuchoHucho perryi , Grayling, Whitefish, Bass de boca grande - Lubina Negra, Bass de boca chica, Perca Europea, Lucio, Muskie, Tarpón, Permit, Striper, Roach, Trucha Tigre, Striped bass, Lucioperca - Walleye, Golden Trout, Chub, Trucha marmorata, Lisa, Trucha Apache, Grayling Australiano, Sea-Trout (Trucha Marrón Anádroma), Pollock, Gardí o Rudd

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