Bluegill, Trucha de arroyo o fontinalis, Trucha marrón, Carpa, Bass de boca grande - Lubina Negra, Muskie, Lucio, Trucha arcoiris, Bass de boca chica, Steelhead
Welcome to Hunt Angling! Have you been dreaming of landing an erie steelhead, or have a great day catching pocono trout, or take a try at a musky? If so, then you have come to the right place! My name is Connor Brown and I've fished all over the East Coast figuring out how to make fish from tiny brook trout to tarpon eat a fly. I'm new to the guiding aspect but inpulsely devoted to get you on some fish and having a great day on the water.
Bluegill, Trucha de arroyo o fontinalis, Trucha marrón, Carpa, Bass de boca grande - Lubina Negra, Muskie, Lucio, Trucha arcoiris, Bass de boca chica, Steelhead
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