Montana has some of the most beautiful scenery this nation has to offer. Take advantage of the gorgeous views and premier hunting and fishing spots at Forrester’s Bighorn River Resort. Lodgers have access to fly fishing expeditions, wingshooting guides, and more. Your vacation time is sacred—spend it at a place that offers both natural adventures and quality comfort.
Located just above the Bighorn River, the Montana resort has some of the most concentrated areas of Rainbow Trout and wild Browns. Anglers of all levels can try their hand at finding the right catch. For those interested in birds, Forrester’s offers epic hunting trails on the Bighorn Valley.
Trucha marrón, Trucha arcoiris
The Bighorn River is not the kind of river to befuddle all but the elite fishermen. It offers one of the largest concentrations of wild Browns and Rainbow trout in the west. Not to say these fish don’t provide challenge, but alongside one of our Orvis-endorsed guides you are almost guaranteed a fair share of fly fishing photo ops. History suggests that you could bring in a trout between 18" and 22".
Entering Montana more than 150 miles downstream from its origin in Wyoming, it flows into Bighorn Lake, formed by the Yellowtail Dam. "The Horn," as anglers call it, is nationally recognized as one of the premier trout streams in the United States, and Forrester's Bighorn River Resort happens to have the best access to the finest Bighorn River fishing spots.
The resort has many luxuries the whole family can enjoy.
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