The Experience of a lifetime...
Davin Lake Lodge and Wathaman Outpost offer the finest trophy fishing experience in Canada--literally hundreds of trophy-class Northern Pike, Walleye and Lake Trout are caught and released in our lakes every year!
Imagine fishing on one of our two large Northern Saskatchewan lakes that have been virtually untouched by man, yet with all of the comforts of home. Our base camp is easily accessible by automobile or light aircraft via our oil treated 1,800 foot runway right next to the main lodge. For more information, click the 'services' tab above.
Davin and Wathaman lakes offer superb relaxation and quite simply the best trophy Northern Pike, Walleye and Lake Trout fishing experience you will ever have. We have exclusive commercial access to two Ver más... large lakes (over 800 miles of shoreline), and even at full capacity that's 16 miles of shoreline for each person--our guests very nearly have the lakes to themselves!
Note: Our policy is catch and release for all trophy fish. This program results in larger fish caught and released by all. This policy has already resulted in an increased number of trophy-class fish caught now and for future generations. Thanks for your understanding and support.
Davin Lake Lodge and Wathaman Outpost are owned and operated by a group of highly dedicated people that are passionate about bringing you the best vacation experience in North America. We are also passionate about protecting the environment and ensuring that the incredible experiences that our lakes, camps and staff provide continue to do so for generations to come.
In order to achieve these goals, we ask our guests to respect the natural environment during their visit by treading lightly while on land, catching and releasing all trophy fish (which are also the breeding stock in the lake), and keeping only those fish that are allowed by law (see the FAQs section for more information). Please treat fish that are caught and released with utmost care so that they may survive to spawn for gene Ver más...rations to come.
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